Hypothalamic control of male aggression-seeking behavior. Falkner AL, Grosenick L, Davidson TJ, Deisseroth K, and D Lin. Nature Neuroscience Advanced Online (2016). Supplementary Information
Intact-brain analyses reveal distinct information carried by SNc dopamine subcircuits. Lerner TN, Shilyansky C, Davidson TJ, Evans KE, Beier KT, Zalocusky KA, Crow AK, Malenka RC, Luo L, Tomer R, and K Deisseroth. Cell 162:635–647 (2015).
Natural Neural Projection Dynamics Underlying Social Behavior Gunaydin LA*, Grosenick L*, Finkelstein JC*, Kauvar IV*, Fenno LE, Adhikari A, Lammel S, Mirzabekov JJ, Airan RD, Zalocusky KA, Tye KM, Anikeeva P, Malenka RC, Deisseroth K. Cell 157:1535–1551 (June 2014). *equal contributors
Supplementary Videos: VTA DA neural activity during social behavior video VTA DA neural activity during novel object behavior video VTA->NAc DA neural activity during social behavior video VTA->NAc DA neural activity during novel object behavior video
Fiber Photometry training: The Deisseroth laboratory is now offering short hands-on fiber photometry training courses.
If interested please email maisielo@gmail.com with “Fiber Photometry Workshop” in the subject line.